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Airgun hunting feral pigeon and ratting at night

17 September 2022 / 274 views / A.m.bushcraft_n_hunting

Airgun hunting feral pigeon and ratting at night

#airgun #airgunhunting #ratting #feralpigeon

on this video myself and Dean get a call asking for us to remove some feral pigeons and rats from a few barns that's are causing huge amounts of damage to building and animal feed
so we arrived and seen there was a huge problem that will be delt with over the next few videos

my setup
theoben rapid 7 mrk 1 22cal
sightmark wraith 4kmax
primos gen 3 sticks
jsb exact diabolo 15.89

deans setup
primos gen 3 sticks
jsb heavy 10.34

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